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CAPTCHA stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart." It is a security measure used on various websites and online services to distinguish between human users and automated bots. CAPTCHA challenges are designed to be easily solvable by humans but difficult for bots to bypass, thereby preventing automated scripts from abusing or spamming online systems.

The purpose of CAPTCHA is to ensure the integrity and security of online interactions, especially in areas such as user registrations, form submissions, voting systems, and preventing unauthorized access to websites or applications. By using CAPTCHA, website owners can reduce the risk of fraudulent activities, protect sensitive data, and enhance overall user experience.

CAPTCHA challenges come in different forms, such as image-based tests where users are asked to identify objects, numbers, or characters, audio-based challenges where users need to listen and type what they hear, or even interactive puzzles that require users to solve logical problems.

Popular types of CAPTCHA include:

1. Image-based CAPTCHA: Users are presented with images containing distorted text or objects and are required to type in the correct information.

2. Audio CAPTCHA: Users listen to a sequence of spoken characters or numbers and are asked to enter them accurately.

3. Math-based CAPTCHA: Users are given a simple mathematical problem to solve, such as adding or subtracting numbers.

4. Checkbox CAPTCHA: Users may be asked to tick a checkbox confirming that they are human.

5. ReCAPTCHA: A specific implementation of CAPTCHA developed by Google, which uses a combination of AI and machine learning to analyze user behavior and distinguish between humans and bots.

Overall, CAPTCHA plays a crucial role in maintaining the security and functionality of online platforms, helping to protect users' data and privacy while ensuring a smooth and genuine user experience.